Green Economy New Brunswick will guide your organization through these four milestones, which act as your roadmap to sustainability.

We start by introducing you to our suite of support and discuss how to best align our work together to your business objectives. We’ll also equip you with a toolkit to profile your sustainability commitments as a member of Green Economy New Brunswick.
Your Footprint
Together, we’ll create your initial GHG inventory in line with the World Resource Institute’s GHG Protocol Standard. We’ll also develop an Inventory Management Plan that guides your annual data collection to ensure consistency, quality, and ease.
Set a
With access to tried and tested training and resources, we’ll support you to set an ambitious but achievable GHG reduction target. Next, we’ll help you create a plan to make it happen while building buy-in and engagement with key decision-makers and employees.
We’ll keep you moving towards your long-term targets while celebrating your successes, and helping you to maximize the benefits of your sustainability work along the way.
Green Economy New Brunswick guides businesses through inventory creation and target-setting in line with our GHG framework.
Benefits of Membership
As your organization moves through milestones, you will have access to:

Support &
1:1 support and access to best practice resources, to help you plan and implement your sustainability initiatives and engage your staff meaningfully along the way.

Measurement &
Tools to measure, track, and annually report your environmental impact and progress on your reduction target.

Education &
Free attendance at networking and learning workshops to build your capacity and connect with other sustainability leaders (approximately 3-5 per year).

Celebration &
Public recognition for your sustainability commitments through our annual awards, reports, social media, and website, as well as national profile through Green Economy Canada.

Become a Member today!
Join our 3rd cohort and you’ll be recognized as a local sustainability leader through our network!
What Does it Cost?
Annual membership fees start from $1,500,
depending on organizational size and complexity.